"" "" Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations- HERE'S WHY | OBAMA CARE 911 AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations- HERE'S WHY

Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations

A picture of President Obama Apologizes for Insurance Cancellations
President Obama Apologizing for Insurance Cancellations

President Obama Apologizes For Insurance cancellations and here's why ...... 

Hold on before we get into that. I want you to consider two video's over the next few minutes, I believe it will give a clearer insight into what is going on behind the scenes.

 Okay indulge me. Video #1

Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - Here's Why

Video #2

Okay here's my thoughts on this whole mess. That's right, I said mess (personal opinion). When I speak on this, it is in no way to diminish any one group. 

Lets look at the numbers. There are #48 million plus Americans that will benefit from the affordable healthcare act. That really is a understated number, when you consider all the other citizens that this Health Care Law will help. ( Elderly, under insured, children with Pre- existing conditions, etc....) . I am just saying.....

Okay so those that oppose the Health Care Act have said that this bill is too much for the country to bare. TOO COSTLY ( how about the war ). This bill, it will cause bankruptcy for the Nation. 

So they say, in their actions, let us not do anything to help the poor and less fortunate. Scrap the Health care bill and start afresh.

My question to the powers that be. Are you choosing between the 5 million that are going to see an increase in their insurance policy or the 48 million plus that don't have insurance.

My final thoughts are this: Are you really concerned about those that will see the increase? Is one group worth more than the other, so much so, that you are willing to fight for 5 million and let the 48 million plus, fin for themselves.

As my granddaughter is famous for saying. REALLY, REALLY?????

Can we not be concerned for the whole? Especially since we live in The Greatest Nation on The Face Of The Earth.

As I have said before. I KNOW WE CAN DO BETTER.

Please Leave A Comment For or Against. I would Like To Hear from You.

President Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations, We All Should Apologize for Our Disregard Of Our Fellow Americans. ( My Opinion )

Post: Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations- HERE'S WHY 


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